Overview of Show Details

0:00 So here's a quick overview of the show details page. So this is after I've clicked into an event We've got our show details, which are you know the times that we've decided to put in here We can add more activity if we want to say, hey, we got load in, loading in gear at uhm You know, I don't know, we'll
0:25 say 1, 1pm Uh, we can put that in there, uhm We've got our offers here, which will automatically pop up.
0:36 We can also add an artist here, so If we wanted to add an artist, we can now connect one of our offers to an artist.
0:55 Oops. Let's refresh this. There it is. You should see it come up like this. Now we've got our artist attached to the offer.
1:13 So if you have multiple artists here, you can attach multiple offers to that artist. Once you have an offer, it will automatically flow into the settlement.
1:23 So let me just show you this offer we got. We're gonna, we're gonna put this at 50. Why not? We'll say we have a fixed expense of 100 bucks.
1:35 Uhm. And then we can go back to our event details. This will automatically flow into the settlement. We've got a 10% tax on here.
1:49 We can see the tickets that have already actually sold for this event are automatically flowing into our gross. We have that, you know, $100 of times 13 expense, $1,300 total, so we're in the red here.
2:09 But because there's a guarantee, you know, we owe that $1,000 to the artist. And you can see an overview of the show summary right here.
2:18 just going back into event details, we have a finance section here. This is for all your internal expenses, so if we want to say, hey, we got a fixed staff expense, let's add staff here as a category.
2:37 We'll say bar staff, and we're going to forecast that there was going to be two, three hundred dollars of expenses, but it turned out it's only two hundred.
2:49 And we'll save that, and now, if we go into our profit and loss, um, we can see this all start flowing in.
2:58 So, um, we can see the tickets that we sold, we sold four tickets. 40 tickets, um, and our, our actual gross, and I'll show you why that's so low in a second here.
3:11 Um, we've got our headliner payment of $1,000, remember we had that internal expense for bar staff, um, for, that we forked out.
3:21 Forecasted for $300, um, it actually turned out to be $200, uh, so you have these two columns of your forecast estimate and actual.
3:31 And this expense is only going to show up on your P&L because we put it in the finance section. It's not going to show up anywhere in the settlement because the settlement is external.
3:44 So we just have that one other expense that we saw earlier with the 13 times 100, um, and that won't come into the P&L.
3:53 Because the only thing you care about from the settlement is that artist payment, um. And so that's where that's coming in.
4:03 So, now, going into the P tickets, we've actually only sold, I've done a bunch of comp tickets here, so we've got 40 tickets sold, but we've actually only sold um one for $14.23, so that's why you saw that amount earlier.
4:24 And now in the ticket thing dashboard, you kind of get an overview of how your sales are doing. For this one, we've given away 39 comps and only sold one ticket, so we're not doing too well, but um this is a good way to see what's going You see And then also on admission, you can see how many people
4:44 have checked in. So this is coming directly from your OpenDate iOS app. And um down here, you've got all the list of your orders, so here's where I gave them myself 30 comp tickets, and I've done a couple more at the door.
5:03 Um and in order to do a comp ticket, you can do this add attendees button right here. So if I want to give, give myself uh 11 more, I can go through this.
5:14 and um send a confirmation email to this person. All right, and then going back into the ticket dashboard, if you want to get more details on the orders or export all these to a separate CSV, this is your button right here.
5:31 You can export just the orders. You can export every single ticket to a CSV. Um, so easy way to get all that information.
5:40 Um, if you want to export all those emails, uh, into a CSV. Um, so that's kind of the quick overview of the show details page.
5:53 Um, we've got some other things down here with notes and marketing. Let's go through them really quickly. Uh, you can say, um, load in info.
6:04 Uh, and then you say, you know, this, we'll just say this is a test. And you can save this as a template, or we can just, we'll just save this right here.
6:17 Boom, now we got a note in here that everyone signed into our account can see pretty easily. Manage your assets.
6:26 You can think of this as just basically like a Google Drive or a Dropbox. Right here where you can upload additional files, create new folders.
6:42 So any marketing items or anything at all that you want to share internally, you can do that right here. Automatically we'll pull in whatever, you know, artist photos we have in our database for the artist that's attached to the event.
6:59 And then finally up here you've got your public event page. So if you click this, we'll come into this event.
7:10 And you can copy it right here. If you want to share this page to your team members, this is the link that goes directly to them.
7:24 If they don't have an account, this will sign them in as a guest where they can only see this page.
7:28 Contacts, you can add contacts right here. And I can save that, and once I have an email in here for a contact, I can share this page.
7:48 I can add this person to the daily ticket counts. Uhm, so everyday they'll just get.